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Tactile tech: Pop-up keyboard on displays

Ana sayfa / Technology

Researchers from the Future Interfaces Group at Carnegie Mellon University have unveiled a breakthrough in display technology that could make future screens more tactile through raised haptics. As reported by TechCrunch, the group shared a video and a research paper demonstrating a display capable of creating small, physical bumps that can be felt under the fingers.

Enhanced tactile experience with raised haptics

This technology could be used for tactile notifications, pop-up keyboards with a distinct feel compared to standard screens, buttons that remain inflated until pressed, custom-shaped buttons for system control, and more. The demonstration includes a pop-up music interface with raised controls for playback and a pulsating smartphone button that retracts when pressed.

To develop a flat panel with these tactile capabilities, researchers utilized miniaturized hydraulic pumps that raise the surface through fluid. Each pump is individually controllable, allowing for dynamic, tactile bumps in a compact form factor. The hardware is self-contained, lightweight, relatively slim at 5mm, and able to withstand normal touchscreen interactions.

While this technology is currently owned by Carnegie Mellon, it is easy to envision future smartphones incorporating this functionality. Apple has already adopted haptic vibrations for touch-based feedback in notifications and system responses, but raised haptics could add another dimension to displays.

Apple could potentially use this technology for a device that folds flat but features a pop-out keyboard when in use. Furthermore, there are likely numerous accessibility use cases for those with vision impairments. While it remains uncertain whether this technology will make its way into Apple devices, it certainly presents an intriguing concept.

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